Chocolate Chip Cake Pops

For All Stages of the ITG Diet Plan

Category:  Desserts  - 


For 4 people ()


  • 1 ITG Chocolate Pudding mix
  • 2 ITG Chocolate Chip Pancake mix
  • 1/2 cup(s) VERY cold water
  • 2 Egg Whites
  • 3 ounce(s) water
  • 1/8 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon(s) baking powder
  • 1/8 teaspoon(s) baking soda
  • 1/3 dash(es) cream tartar


Chocolate Chip Cake Pops Directions

  1. Heat cake pop maker.  
  2. Empty 2 packets of ITG chocolate chip pancake mix into a bowl, add Baking powder and baking soda
  3. Next add in the 3 oz of water and the vanilla extract.
  4. In a separate bowl beat the two egg whites incorporating the cream of tartar (a couple of shakes) beat the egg whites until they form peaks.
  5. Fold in the egg whites to your pancake mixture.  Keep folding until the egg whites are blended well.
  6. Now you are ready to put the batter into the cake pop maker either by scooping the batter using a tablespoon or a sandwich bag filled with the batter with the corner snipped off and squeezing the batter into the cake pop molds.
  7. Cook in the cake pop maker for 3 MINUTES
  8. While waiting for the cake pops to bake assemble the pudding of your choice:
  9. Mix 1 ITG chocolate pudding mix with 1/2 cup VERY cold water, you can add more water as needed for creamy consistency. (mix in a plastic bottle with a "squirt" nozzle, dollar store) using scissors, snip the plastic lid to widen opening
  10. Remove cake pops when golden brown, pierce puff with nozzle and fill it by squeezing yummy chocolate pudding into puff.
  11. Decorate plate with remaining pudding for dipping, you could also use Walden Farms syrups or fruit spread over the top if you do not want fill the puffs.
  12. Enjoy!